Friday, December 30, 2011

Inspiring Athletes from Track and Field Interview : Amine Khadiri– Minas Alozidis

Amine Khadiri:  
He was  born November 20, 1988. Participated at Games of small states of Europe.  Also is a club runner of Dromea.Racing.Cyprus, and double Gold Medalist at the recent Cyprus National track and field championships which where held in Limassol. Also attend to the International Athens Classical Marathon day 2011 which he took the 4th place.

Minas Alozidis
 He was born on January 8 1984, in Greece and he is participating on the 400 m hurdlers. He started to practice with very well known Greek champions like Phani Chalkia , Demetris Regas and others.  In 2005 he finished second of the Greek championship and he finished also 2nd on the European Championship under 23 years of age.  In 2006 he became champion between European Cups and is consider to  be between the fastest runners on his field in Europe.  In 2009 he became a Cypriot citizen.
 Some mutilators regarding his performance:
2004: 50.66
2005: 49.52
2006: 49.31
2007: 49.16
2008: 49.21
2011: 49.91

How did you start with track and field?
Amine:  I got involved when I was in high school, were I participated at Morocco championship , that for me was a enthusiasm so I start training more as professional.

Minas:  I got involved through my fathers as he was an athlete as well and forced me to try it.

How did you get involved into hurdles / middle running distance ?
 Amine: By friends.  Well most of Moroccans athletes are well known of their sprint running. But for me was the one that attracted  me.

Minas: I start with running sprint, after I got enthused with my running results and after this I joined hurdles.

How much important for you is the role of a coach.  Do you have one?
Amine: Coach has the main role next to an athlete. Coach must to be next to you, supports you and gives you advices.  Is like real good friend.  I am lucky because I have the right one, is Cypriot Mr.George Loucaides, was a championship athlete as well and is president of Dromeas. Racing Cyprus

Minas: The role of a coach is Big. Is hard to find the right one , right away.   I am lucky that I have the right ones next to my side.

What is your goal for this year and what is your ultimate long term goal?
Amine: At the moment I am training hard to participate at the Olympic Games 2012 with Cyprus Colors.

Minas:  First of all I am planning to go under surgery of my leg so I hope to recover soon and come back stronger.

Do you feel competitive and strong?
Amine: I always feel competitive and strong. I never give up. But always trying to do my best by be concentrate and relax.

Minas: Sports and competition are going hand to hand.

Is there anyone who helped you progress or who followed you throughout your career?
Amine: Coach is the one helps me and as well from DromeaS.Racing.  And a good friend Stelios Ioannou who encourage me and gives me advices.

Minas: Of course family and the Coach.

Cyprus supports you, and financially?
Amine: Yes I have a financial support form Cyprus. 

Minas: Cyprus fully supports me in different sports events.

What are you doing on your spare time?
Amine: Relaxing at home, watching football games, love to watch movies

Minas: Reading books, relaxing home

How your family describes you?
Amine: When I start to get professional into training family called me crazy.  Was a big shock from them look at me training almost every day, they scared of quitting university, now they know and are proud of me!

Minas: My family is fully  proud of me and supports me.

How do you prepare physically and mentally for a major championship?
Amine: Normally good training and the last 3 days before a race I am concentrate, relax at home, having ice massages, not to drink an alcohol, drink plenty of water and do  nothing that makes me tired.

Minas: Exactly the same. Is good to be relaxed and be concentrated before a race.

Any advice for athletes venturing into track and field?
 Amine: Track and Field is a good adventure! You travel a lot , you make a lot of friends  from different cultures and you represent your country you feel and your proud. Especially if you are participate to European championships or to Olympic Games!

Minas: New athletes must love what they are doing! Exercising is life.

Give your opinion about doping?  And what is your reaction regarding this issue?
Amine: Kills you! If you trained hard and right and feel confidence with yourself its easy to win.

Minas: Stay away.  Exercising is considered to be health.

Let’s go to unrelated questions of track and filed
Comments about the economic crisis – Greece?
 Amine: I think Greece will survive.

Minas: Greece is facing economic crisis/ recession and this affects all the sectors negatively. But I hope that  soon will catch up.

What your opinion regarding the football team called APOEL, do you thing is a phenomenon that still is in champions league.. What you believe is next?
Amine: I am a fun of Apoel . and I am proud of them . Hope to them all the best

Minas: Hope all the best to the team!

Taken by:
Georgia Theodosiou

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